Every club player knows the problem: the opening has ended, and now
what? With this new edition of his award winning book, International
Master Herman Grooten presents to amateur players a complete and
structured course on how to recognize key characteristics in all types
of positions and how to make use of those characteristics to choose the
right plan. His teachings are based on the famous "Elements" of Wilhelm
Steinitz, but Grooten has significantly expanded and updated the work of
the first World Champion. He supplies many modern examples, tested in
his own practice as a coach of talented youngsters. In Chess Strategy
for Club Players you will learn the basic elements of positional
understanding: pawn structure, piece placement, lead in development,
open files, weaknesses, space advantage and king safety. You will master
the art of converting a temporary plus into other, more permanent
advantages. The author also explains what to do when, in a given
position, the basic principles seem to point in different directions.
Each chapter of this fundamental primer ends with a set of highly
instructive exercises. This new 3rd edition has, besides various
corrections and improvements, a new introduction and a brand-new chapter
called 'Total Control' with new exercises.