**"Fresh insights into the nature of exceptional peformance.... A deeply
interesting and important book" (New York Times Book Review) that
offers a revolutionary and life-changing message on the new science of
human potential.
Is true greatness obtainable from everyday means and everyday genes?
Conventional wisdom says no, that a lucky few are simply born with
certain gifts. Now you can forget everything you think you know about
genes, talent, and intelligence, and take a look at the amazing new
Here, interweaving cutting-edge research from numerous scientific
fields, David Shenk offers a new view of human potential, giving readers
more of a sense of ownership over their accomplishments, and freeing
parents from the bonds of genetic determinism. As Shenk points out, our
genes are not a "blueprint" that dictate individual destinies. Rather we
are all the product of interplay between genes and outside stimuli--a
dynamic that we can influence. It is a revolutionary and life-changing