A harsh and deadly land...
Rye Tyler was twelve when he saw his father cut down in an Indian raid.
Taken in by a mysterious stranger with a taste for Shakespeare and an
instinct for survival, Rye is schooled in the lessons of a hard country.
Then tragedy forces him to live a loner's life in a wild land of canyons
and buttes, and on dust-choked cattle trails.
But his skill with a gun has earned Rye a bloody reputation he can't
escape. Though he's become the law in a lawless town, he had hoped for a
better life with the beautiful Liza Hetrick. When Liza is taken away and
held in a mountain-girded outlaw fortress, Rye must face his deadliest
enemy--the very man who taught Rye about manhood, friendship...and the
ways of a gunman.